Thursday, March 12, 2009

Update on the museum

Herb Kaufman reports:
The original museum was founded on 24 May 1888. The charter notes the following three original founders: H. Ernest Goodman, M.D.; John P. Nicholson; and Lewis Merrill.
The books and manuscripts are now in storage at the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. The intention is that the Lincoln Foundation of the Union League will create a Heritage Center in the Union League building, with public access. Once the Heritage Center is built, the books and manuscripts will be moved from HSP to the Heritage Center. Jim Mundy says this is anticipated in 2010.
The artifacts are in storage at a secure facility. They are still anticipating the creation of a new museum in Center City. The date for this has been pushed back to 2011, at the earliest. Meanwhile the Civil War Museum of Philadelphia is functioning as a "museum without walls."

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